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  • 關於沒有 / NO

    君自故鄉來 應知故鄉事
    來日綺窗前 寒梅著花未




    沒有(NO) 所長期追尋的目標,是當前世界上最為深奧,也最為日常的議題。我們非常幸運地,在有限的生命中,能夠為這個萬物所共有的世界盡一份心力。

    在進入21世紀的今天,沒有的工作責任將愈形重大。這是一個新世紀的挑戰,我們所面對的事業,有著前所未見的領域等待開發。沒有(NO)希望實踐的,是在所有學問中找到一種日常感知的基礎,那是促使任何生存慾望能夠驅動的本能。這樣的力量凌駕語言,並且也是構成日常生活的本質,在簡單的行動和言談,雨水的氣味,天空的顏色,汽車引擎發動的聲音,海邊石頭的紋路,羊毛柔軟的觸感中,我們都可以看到這種串聯一切的感知基礎。沒有(NO) 期望在這個基礎上,以最不衝突及平和的方式,找到最符合這種力量的日常節奏。並將這樣美麗的節奏,分享給同樣生活在宇宙中的每一個體。


    You shall be knowing the matters in the hometown as you are just where you are from
    Please tell me whether the plum trees in front of my window blossom when you come
    -Tang Dynasty.Wang Wei “Miscellaneous Poem”

    We live in the same planet and possess the same homesickness to the universe. In a poem written by poet of Tang Dynasty – Wang Wei, the original home we lost in spirit is actually the universe we live in.
    NO has been established for more than 20 years, under infinite time of sky, we still, continue to act as a bridge to communicate with the universe. What we care about is a community that all things on earth share the body temperature with one another instead of a world simply formed by “people”. We look forward to restoring a complete shape without separation for acquainting and interacting with the world, a poetic and flowing circle, and via such a restoration we believe that it will enable self-consciousness and sense of participation of each individual to every subtle beating. As a result, a goal that we explore for a long time is to allow each individual to find a circle, a warm circle in river of life and sorrow through the most balance and proper way. Also, each individual will be able to dwell inside the circle at ease, as if enfant child sees the power and scenery of great universe again.       


    Power Of Daily Perception

    As we enter the 21st century of today, the job responsibility of NO becomes increasingly significant. This is a challenge of the new era which causes us to encounter unprecedented field that is waiting to be developed. What NO aspires to accomplish is to seek for a basis for the daily perception in all knowledge. Such aspiration is the driving instinct which enhances all surviving desire. This power not only overrides the language but constitutes for the essence of daily life. We can all see the perception basis in an easy action and conversation, the scent of the rain, the color of the sky, the sound of the car engine, the lines of the beach stone, and the touch of the soft wool, that connect everything. NO is aspired to search for the daily rhythm based on such power, through the most peaceful and non-conflicting approach. Moreover, such power will share the beautiful rhythm with every individual living in the same universe.